6069 Highland Drive # 2
Holladay, UT 84121
Phone:(801) 278-4474
Fax:(801) 278-2119

6069 Highland Drive # 2
Holladay, UT 84121
Phone:(801) 278-4474
Fax:(801) 278-2119
Lucitone FRS is a nylon based material which allows the partial to have more flexibility.
A FRS partial is impact resistant, comfortable, and non-allergenic (metal and monomer free).
FRS comes in pink, clear, and dark pink.
Accidents happen and dentures become broken, lost, or damaged beyond repair.
Avoid Embarrassment Dentures (AED) is an inexpensive duplication of the denture.
(Fabricated at the time of the perminit denture fabrication)
To be worn while denture is being repaired or relined.
Utah Dental Lab offers a variety of night guards made with many different materials including:
Custom designed tray to aid in a more accurate impression.
At Utah Dental Lab we make full and partial acrylic dentures to fit each patient's specific requirements. We offer a variety of acrylics:
Utah Dental Lab can make any framework to your specification. We offer 3 types of partial framework: alloys, wironium,
vitallium, and nobilstar ultra. We can also make clear partial frameworks using our clear FRS.
These are great alternative when there is a metal allergy.
At Utah Dental Lab, we have technicians skilled in implant supported dentures. For more information on implant
supported dentures contact our office at 801-278-4474.
Dental device fabricated to replace a few missing teeth. We offer flippers in any of our acrylics.
For patients with limited vertical we offer flippers with a bite opener.
Wax occusal rims to get a accurate bite registration.
We have a variety of acrylic colors. Our color chips help aide in your choice of an acrylic color
See what your dental prosthetic will look like before being processed in acrylic.
Surgical Stints help aid in oral surgery for bone reduction or implant placement.
At Utah Dental Lab we offer soft lined denture bases using a molloplast soft liner. It is a silicone based permanent liner with a long lifespan.
When creating or repairing your dental prosthetic, we have a variety of clasps and strengtheners.